
The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 (“FAIS”) provides for consumer protection with respect to certain products as defined in the Act.

Andrew Prior Consultants CC is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Board and is entered on their Central Register under (, License Number: 12586

Registered office:

620 Montebello
Montrose Street
Newlands 7700
South Africa

Registered in the Republic of South Africa, CK 1998/08950/23.

In terms of the Financial Advisory & Intermediary Services Act (“FAIS”) Andrew Prior Consultants CC has duly authorised the following individuals to render advice and intermediary services as defined in terms of FAIS.

Key Individuals: Andrew Prior, Josephine Komninos

Representatives: Sylvia Walker, Robert Anderson

Compliance with the FAIS Act is monitored by Robert Anderson, our internal compliance officer. He may be contacted at FAIS requires that Authorised Financial Service Providers must meet certain obligations. One of these obligations is to implement a Complaints Procedure. This is held on file and is available on request.

Andrew Prior Consultants CC has a documented Conflicts of Interest Policy document that outlines our management of potential conflicts of interest. This is available for review on request.

The Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 (“FICA”) introduces measures aimed at the combating and prevention of money laundering. FICA requires that accountable institutions must implement certain policies and procedures for the identification of clients, the verification of client particulars, the identification and reporting of suspicious transactions and for the training of staff on aspects of money laundering control.

Money Laundering Reporting Officer : Robert Anderson, email: